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 ...Time & Matter website presents £1,000 'cheque' to Charlie for his first nominated charity choice...


At the Bournemouth 1/7/2011 gig, the website editors Mark Chadderton & Rob Cook presented a 'comedy-sized' cheque to represent the total monies raised of ONE THOUSAND POUNDS from the sales of the first 3 Time & Matter Recordings 'releases'.

Below are a selection of pictures of the cheque. Click images to enlarge.

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge


  • Thanks to everyone who has bought a T&M release so far...
    ...you have helped make a difference!



Website co-editor Rob Cook presented Charlie with our first 'cheque' for monies raised through our Time & Matter Recordings label. The (interim) 'cheque' was for £500, which represented the profits from the Soft Lights And Loud Guitars DVD and  our first release, the Dance & Travel In The Robot Age CD (still available hint hint!) The plan is that once we reach a total of £1,000 raised for Charlie's current chosen recipient, Charlie will choose a new 'cause'.The second cause chosen is Subs' guitarist Jet's family back in Japan...

Sarah, Charlie & Rob - click to enlarge